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Peter Macgregor

Lecturer (Assistant Professor)
School of Computer Science
University of St Andrews



I’m a Lecturer in the School of Computer Science at the University of St Andrews. My research interests are broadly in algorithms for data science and machine learning and I always aim to develop theoretically sound algorithms which work well in practice.

Previously I was a PhD student and postdoctoral researcher at the University of Edinburgh working with He Sun, and I spent a semester at the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing at UC Berkeley.

Please see my research page to learn more about what I work on.

I have a fully-funded PhD studentship available, with a likely start-date of September 2025. The application deadline is 1st March 2025.

If you are interested in studying for a PhD with me, please email me with an outline research proposal describing the problem area you would like to work on. Possible projects include:

  • Improving nearest-neighbour search algorithms (e.g., based on kd-trees, HNSW, locality-sensitive hashing).
  • Exploring any connection between hierarchical clustering algorithms and nearest-neighbour search algorithms.
  • Creating new dynamic or hierarchical clustering algorithms (e.g. based on spectral clustering or DBSCAN).
  • Creating dynamic algorithms for numerical linear algebra. For example, maintaining the PCA of a dynamically changing dataset.
  • Any other project in the area of algorithmic data science and machine learning.

The full application process is described here, and you should read the guidelines on writing a research proposal in order to help prepare your application.


Please feel free to get in touch at

Alternatively, you can also find me in the real world.

0.21a Jack Cole Building
π Potato Ave.
St Andrews, UK
KY16 9SX

© 2024 Peter Macgregor